Meet the Crew!

Meet the Crew!


As a small, women-owned leathercrafting business we get all sorts of questions, ranging from the general “How did you get started?” to the more technical “Where do I source American made veg-tanned leather?” We decided that, rather than emailing and DM-ing people individually, we’d dust off the old Livejournal and make a blog with all our tips and tricks. For our very first post we decided to introduce you to the women behind the seams!


Role: Owner. Designer. Production manager. Dog mom.
"I started Awl Snap in 2009 after trying (and failing) to find high quality leather bags in designs I liked with prices I could afford. I've always been "crafty,” so after landing some leather scraps gifted from a friend I started playing around with the materials and made myself a tote bag. I have to admit that compared to my standards today that design was a hot mess, but nonetheless I was proud and felt even more inspired once other people started commenting and asking if i could make them one. So naturally I started making more in my free evenings and weekends. Eventually they made their way on to Etsy, and within a month about a dozen of them sold.  This was the beginning roll of the little snowball that would eventually turn into the Awl Snap that exists today."

Favorite part of the handmade small biz life?
“You're asking me to name just one favorite part? Ha! Well, that's hard to say because they are so many aspects I love, but if I had to choose it would be designing and prototyping. It's my flow.  It's probably the only place in my life where I can fully zone out and be present, inventive, confident, and really feel those dopamine hits all at once.“

Favorite bag?
“Hmm, I'd like to think that my favorite hasn't been made yet! I'm always coming up with new ideas, and something "even more fun" is always just a step away.  That said though, I'd say that of all the bags I've made, I've used every single one for some moments in time, and the Ester Fanny Pack is the one I never tire of and keeps showing up in my daily rotation.”

Gilly + Pilot

Favorite part of the handmade small biz life?
Pilot: "Being a bouncer at the studio door is very fulfilling. Lots of new people and smells keep things interesting. Nothing gets by me.”

Gilly: “I’d have to say my favorite part is handling shipping. I love overseeing every single step of our mail person Glenda’s process. She really appreciates me.”

Favorite bag? "Poop bags because poop bags mean walks! But also the Ester, which can hold approximately 300 treats.”



Role: Lead Production Artist

Favorite part of the handmade small biz life?
“Knowing that things I’ve actually made are out in the world, being used!”

Favorite bag?
”Anything in the chestnut leather. It’s so beautiful!”



Role: Shipping & Inventory Manager, Production Artist, Lead Organizer

Favorite part of the handmade small biz life?
"I love having a window to all of the parts of the business, from the conception of an idea through seeing it wind up in someone's hands as a piece they'll love forever.“

Favorite bag?
Ester! She's so minimal and easy to carry!”


Role: Marketing

Favorite part of the handmade small biz life?
“Seeing a concept move from a sketch on paper to a prototype with different thread colors and stitches all over, to a finished heirloom piece. So satisfying!”

Favorite bag?
“I have a soft spot for Georgia because she’s the first one I saw go from a concept in Erin’s mind to a sellable product. But I love the cut of Adelaide. She’s a chic and modern take on a classic design and, despite her minimal lines, is our most complex bag to make. What can I say, I love a difficult woman!”


Want to see what we're up to day-to-day? Follow along on Instagram!


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